National and International Outreach

We respond when disaster strikes, when there are hurting people in the world, and when we are called to share the message of God’s love.
Costa Rica Mission
Our congregation prayerfully and financially supports an independent mission in Costa Rica. 
Disaster Response
Disaster can strike any place at any time. We provide support through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) for national and international disasters.

United Methodist Committee ORelief has been in existence since 1940, when Methodist Bishop Herbert Welch called for the formation of an agency to respond to the human suffering in the wake of WWII.   Though the name has changed many times over the years the focus has remained constant, to help humankind worldwide in times of disaster. Of the donations received, 100% of the funds goes to support in specific disasters, both national and international.  (Adminstrative funding is received through the annual offering of One Great Hour of Sharing.)